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Version: 0.4.11


Operators are functions with specialized syntax for ease of use. They come in two forms: unary and binary.

Unary Operators#

There are only two unary operators in MistQL

OperatorParameter TypeReturn TypeDescription
!AnyBooleanfalse if the argument is truthy, true otherwise
-NumberNumberReturns the negative of the number

Binary Operators#

Binary operators make up the vast majority of MistQL's operators.

OperatorParameter TypesReturn TypeDescription
+number or string or arraynumber or string or arrayAdds two numbers, concatanates two strings, or concatanates two arrays, depending on argument type
-numbernumberSubtracts one number from another
*numbernumberMultiplies 2 numbers
/numbernumberDivides one number by another
%numbernumberComputes a mod b
<number, string, boolean or nullbooleanLess Than
>number, string, boolean or nullbooleanGreater Than
<=number, string, boolean or nullbooleanLess Than or Equal
>=number, string, boolean or nullbooleanGreater Than or Equal
==anybooleanWhether two values are equivalent
!=anybooleanWhether two values are not equivalent
=~string or regexbooleanWhether the left hand value matches the right hand pattern. Alias for match.
&&ttReturns the first if the first is falsy, the second otherwiseotherwise.
\|\|ttReturns the first if the first is truthy, the second otherwise. NOTE: The backslashes aren't necessary. I just can't figure out how to format it properly for Docusaurus.

Operator precedence and associativity#

Below are in order from highest to lowest, where all operators on the same level are equal precedence.

unary !, unary -rtl
*, /, %ltr
+, -ltr
<, >, <=, >=ltr
==, !=, =~ltr
[function application]ltr